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Organ Donation: Does It Affect the Funeral?

Of all the good deeds one could do, organ donation is among the most charitable acts.  A single person can save or improve up to 50 lives by donating his or her organs at the time of death. It seems like something everyone would sign up to do, yet many people are reluctant.

One question that's often asked is whether organ donation will affect the funeral. People perceive this as an issue for different reasons.

  • Some might be concerned that their faith forbids it. This is untrue. Organ donation is permitted for Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, and those who adhere to most branches of Judaism.
  • Some are concerned about how it will impact an open-casket funeral. In fact, because the donor's body is clothed in the casket, it's not an issue.  
  • Others are concerned about age or medical condition. Very few health conditions prevent organ donation and there's actually no age cutoff, so a person can't be too old to donate. For those under the age of 18, parents can make the decision.

If you haven't discussed organ donation with your loved one, you may not know whether he or she would have wanted to be a donor. If you yourself are interested in donating, it's best to designate yourself an organ donor ahead of time. That way, when the time comes, your family won't have to guess about what you would have wanted.

Organ donation is one of many things that can be preplanned. Another is your end-of-life arrangements. Whether you want a funeral, a memorial service or a celebration of life, putting your wishes in writing ahead of time means your loved ones won't have to make difficult decisions on your behalf when the time comes.

If you're ready to preplan, Moran and Goebel Funeral Home and Cremation Services can help. We've been committed to providing exceptional service to the community we serve, helping families plan the perfect life-honoring ceremonies to say goodbye to their loved ones. With a reputation built on quality, honesty and integrity, we strive to honor each person's life while respecting the wishes of every family. Call (217) 615-0792 to learn more about all we have to offer.